The famous Nollywood actor Kanayo O Kanayo made it clear that there’s no link between performing rituals and getting rich. He talked about how scams have changed over time, with young people nowadays resorting to extreme actions for money. Kanayo explained that in the past, scams involved promising but unrealistic deals through letters, and he hinted that some people who were part of these old scams are now in public office.
Kanayo, who’s well-known for playing ritualistic characters in movies, strongly denied the false beliefs around the “Yahoo Yahoo” trend among young people. He emphasized that rituals like “Yahoo Promax,” which involve terrible crimes like murder and consuming body parts, have no connection to real wealth. He stressed that true wealth comes from hard work, not harming others.
He shared his own experience, telling a funny story about when he started building his house in 2015. In 2016, he got a significant income from an advertising campaign with Globacom. He joked about making a personal sacrifice by choosing to finish his house instead of buying a new Range Rover.
Kanayo’s journey as an actor began in 1992 with his role in “Living in Bondage,” where he played Chief Omego, a wealthy car parts dealer who did a horrifying thing, sacrificing his own mother for riches. This role led to him being called “Nnanyi Sacrifice,” a name he dislikes.
In summary, Kanayo O Kanayo made it clear that rituals aren’t the way to wealth, and he highlighted the importance of hard work and personal choices in achieving success.