The Ogun state government has threatened to take away houses of landlords who do not have toilet facilities.
The development, according to the authorities, is a result of efforts to control open defecation throughout the state.
Speaking in Abeokuta, Commissioner for Environment Ola Oresanya declared that new homes constructed without toilet facilities and old homes with collapsed toilets without space for replacements would be given to the state government.
He warned landlords to either construct toilets in those houses or convert rooms to serve as toilets or risk forfeiting their homes to the state government.
According to him, the state government had given them ample time to comply, following multiple warnings and abatement notices spaced across several months. As a result, any landlord who disobeyed will have to bear the consequences.
“We have given the landlords a period of compliance,so we are not ready to persuade anyone of them again to do the needful.
“For avoidance of doubt, we are now making it public again that any old or new houses without toilet will be forfeited to the government after all the environmental laws of the state allowed the government to take over such homes in public interest while the landlords may be charged for endearing the lives of people living in his or her community,”he added.
In light of this, Oresanya urged all state citizens, Community Development Associations (CDAs), and Central Development Councils to work with the state government as it prepares to start the forfeiture process as part of its mission to eradicate open defecation in the state.