Chimobi Nwoko, a driver, finds himself entangled in a dispute with his employer, known only as Akazue. The conflict arises from allegations that Nwoko was misled into donating one of his kidneys to Akazue’s younger brother, Osinachi, in exchange for promises that remain unfulfilled.
Nwoko shared his harrowing experience, asserting that Akazue had pledged to reward him with $20 million, a residence in the United States, and a driving job in the U.S. in return for the kidney transplant. Despite undergoing the surgery on December 22, 2018, at a reputable Lagos hospital, Akazue has yet to honor his commitments.
Prior to the kidney transplant, Nwoko revealed that his employer had warned him against involving his family in the matter. He also recounted that Akazue had enlisted his younger sister, Deborah, to impersonate his wife, signing the consent form at the hospital.
Following the operation, Nwoko claimed that he was moved into a one-room apartment in Mowe. Even more distressing, just one week after the surgery, Akazue demanded that he return to work, despite still recuperating from the procedure.
Nwoko described the toll the transplant has taken on his health, noting that he now experiences constant fatigue and diminished agility. Additionally, he alleged that since his discharge from the hospital, Akazue’s family has shown no concern for his well-being.
Nwoko explained, “I was employed as a driver for Mr. Akazue in November 2018. His brother, Osinachi, had a kidney issue, so when my boss traveled, I was driving his brother to the hospital for dialysis every three days. When my boss returned, he called me into his office and told me that his brother’s kidney had failed.”
He continued, “He said in the next one or two weeks, his brother may die. He asked if I would like to donate one of my kidneys for his brother and said if I donated the kidney, he would give me $20 million, a house in America, and will also get me a driving job in America.”
Nwoko claimed that his inquiries regarding the unfulfilled promises were met with reassurances from Akazue, who assured him that he remained in Akazue’s thoughts. Frustrated by the lack of fulfillment, Nwoko reported his ordeal to his family on October 13, 2023.
His family subsequently filed a complaint with Zone 2 Command, leading to Akazue’s arrest on Sunday, October 22. The whereabouts of Osinachi, the recipient of the donated kidney, remain unknown, as Akazue directed the police to locate him themselves.
Nwoko’s legal counsel, Abdullai Dania, described the situation as a case of organ theft and argued for a settlement of ₦500 million for the victim. Dania warned that legal action would be pursued if a resolution was not reached.
Newsmen’s efforts to contact Osinachi were unsuccessful, as his mobile numbers were switched off. The Public Relations Officer of the Zone 2 Command, Hauwa Idris-Adamu, was approached for further information but had not responded as of the time this report was filed. Subsequent attempts to reach her for updates were unanswered.