In a devastating turn of events, a Facebook user identified as Onoh Chukwuma reportedly ended his own life on Tuesday, having allegedly lost a staggering N2.5 million to betting. The incident has sent shockwaves through social media, leaving friends and acquaintances in disbelief.
Onoh Chukwuma’s tragic decision unfolded on his Facebook wall, where he posted a poignant message indicating that it was his last day on earth and that he was about to meet his maker. Unfortunately, unknown to those reading the post, he had already consumed a lethal dose of insecticide before making the heartbreaking announcement.
In his farewell post, Onoh expressed gratitude to specific individuals, including Chima Anyaso, Ikukuoma Abia, Kelvin Jombo Onumah, and Ekwueme Ohafia, along with his friends, stating, “Today is my last day on earth! I’m going to meet my maker. Thank you… My spirit is with you all.”
Distressed by his message, friends hurriedly took Onoh to Madonna Hospital, Umuahia, in an attempt to save him. Despite the immediate efforts of medical professionals to resuscitate him, Onoh could not be revived, and the tragic incident claimed his life.
It has been reported that Onoh had allegedly lost N2.5 million to betting, leading to immense shame and pressure from those he had borrowed money from. One friend, expressing heartbreak, recounted the futile attempts made by medical professionals to revive him.
Another Facebook user questioned the deceased’s decision, highlighting that Onoh had N1 million and borrowed an additional N1.5 million to engage in a bet that ultimately failed, resulting in his untimely demise due to the shame from debtors.
Several Facebook users, including Ibeako Esther Chisom and Obika James Abuchi, expressed their grief and disbelief over the tragic incident, emphasizing the impact of Onoh’s decision on his plans and the sorrow it has caused among friends.
As news of the incident spread, friends took to Onoh Chukwuma’s Facebook page to convey their condolences, reflecting the profound impact of this heartbreaking event on the community.